Our Statement of Faith

God is real. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and totally in charge of the direction history is moving. He is Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He created everything and everyone and every person matters deeply to him. Everyone has sinned, so everyone needs Jesus, who died for our sins, rose again from the dead, and is coming back. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, and once you’re saved, you’re always saved.

Heaven and hell are real, as are angels and demons, including Satan. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer and empowers and gifts us to live and serve. The Bible, which is God’s Word, is both true and powerful. Baptism is when believers are immersed in water, not for salvation but to tell the world we follow Jesus. Communion is a memorial to Jesus’ death. Jesus started the church before His death, protects it through every age, and commissioned the church to tell the world about Him.

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